The Best Types of Attic Insulation: Pros and Cons

When it comes to insulating your attic, there are a variety of materials and methods to choose from. The most common types of materials used for loose fill insulation include cellulose, fiberglass, and mineral wool (rock or slag). All of these materials are produced from recycled scrap materials. Cellulose is mainly made from recycled newsprint.

Most fiberglass products contain between 40 and 60% recycled glass. The first and most common type of insulation for attics is fiberglass block insulation. Blown fiberglass is a good choice for insulating your attic due to its advantages, but what about the downsides? The next step on our list of attic insulation types is blown cellulose. This type of insulation is also inflated with a blowing machine, however, the material used is different. The last type of attic insulation is spray foam insulation.

This is becoming increasingly popular as time goes on, probably because of its extensive benefits. Unlike all other types of attic insulation, spray foam insulation is the only one that comes in liquid form. It has a high R value and can be used almost anywhere in the house.

The Pros and Cons of Different Types of Attic Insulation

We'll explain the four best types of attic insulation available on the market and the pros and cons of each. Fiberglass block insulation is the most common type of attic insulation and has many advantages.

It's easy to install, has a high R-value, and is relatively inexpensive. However, it can be difficult to install in tight spaces and can be difficult to work with if you're not experienced. Blown fiberglass insulation is another popular option for attics. However, it can be difficult to install in tight spaces and can be difficult to work with if you're not experienced. Additionally, it can be messy and difficult to clean up. Blown cellulose insulation is another great option for attics.

Additionally, it's made from recycled materials so it's environmentally friendly. However, it can be difficult to install in tight spaces and can be difficult to work with if you're not experienced. Finally, spray foam insulation is becoming increasingly popular as time goes on due to its extensive benefits. It has a high R value and can be used almost anywhere in the house. However, it can be expensive and requires professional installation.

Equipment Needed for Attic Insulation

No matter what type of attic insulation you're thinking of using, you'll need some type of equipment.

If you're thinking of doing it yourself, keep in mind that insulating an attic on your own requires a fairly advanced level of skill, and keep reading to make sure you follow all the necessary preparations, safety precautions, and guidelines in your area.

Which Type of Attic Insulation Is Best?

We believe that the best type of insulation for attics is blown cellulose, as it generally has a higher R value than other materials. While proper attic insulation is unlikely to be damaged, repairs can also cost a lot of money if they occur. So it's important to make sure you choose the right type of attic insulation for your home.

Janis Newey
Janis Newey

Devoted music evangelist. Proud web practitioner. Typical music geek. Avid internet guru. Avid tv specialist.