The Benefits of Blown Cellulose Insulation for Your Attic

When it comes to insulating your attic, you want to make sure that you choose a material that is safe, effective, and cost-effective in the long run. Blown cellulose insulation is one of the best options on the market for attics. This type of insulation is made from recycled paper products, making it an environmentally friendly option. It has a higher R-value than other materials, making it more efficient at keeping your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

Plus, it's much easier to install than fiberglass rolls or pouches and provides better protection against rodents. Fiberglass, cotton, and mineral wool can work as loose insulation materials, but the best choice for blow insulation is fiberglass. However, keep in mind that it can be more expensive than blown insulation and more difficult to install. It will also be twice as difficult and expensive to treat burst insulation that has been affected by rodents than to treat block insulation.

So let's take a scenario where only a small part of the insulation is damaged. The term loose fill insulation or expanded insulation refers to the process of filling the cavities of uprights or beams with insulating material in the attic or on the walls. Fiberglass is by far one of the most thoroughly tested construction materials and can be installed in the form of blocks or blow insulation. This attic insulation is also inflated with a blowing machine, however, the material used is different. The insulation market is filled with various products, such as block insulation, blanket-shaped insulation, rigid foam insulation, blow insulation, and loose fill insulation.

We believe that the best type of insulation for attics is blown cellulose, because it generally has a higher R value than other materials. Blow insulation is usually made of fiberglass or cellulose and can be added to both attics and walls. The built-in insulation will make it difficult to install a bait station and to find access points that rodents naturally create when they try to find shelter and heat inside the attic insulation. When it comes to insulating your attic, you should always opt for blown cellulose insulation for its superior R-value and environmental friendliness. Blown cellulose is made from recycled paper products and is much easier to install than fiberglass rolls or pouches. It also provides better protection against rodents than other types of loose fill or block insulation.

Plus, it's more cost-effective in the long run since it requires less maintenance and repairs.

Janis Newey
Janis Newey

Devoted music evangelist. Proud web practitioner. Typical music geek. Avid internet guru. Avid tv specialist.